Let me start off by saying, I have always been a huge fan of supporting smaller business. Although my email was never replied to, I received the box in good condition about 6 days after purchase. However, I must say, I have ran my subs in this box at 1 ohm, 2 ohms and now 4 ohms. I have CONSTANTLY tried to tune my 2 alpine 10s, which have the proper air space in this box, and the bottom line quite simply is that this box does not sound good with loud subs. Also the left seat will not latch as this box is just a hair too tall and the finish of the box is getting damaged on the bottom where there is a stud in the truck that’s not removable. In the meantime, I am running this box with my subs turned down and it’s not too bad. But at this point I will probably just get a sealed box and be done until ported boxes for 17+ ford trucks go through further development. All in all, if the sound was better, and my rear seat would latch down, I’d leave a 4 or 5 star review. Due to the customer service which is okay, and the overall finish of the product, I believe a 3 star is more fair than what I originally had in mind.